10 Commandments for Self-Love
1. I am who I am.
With this body and with this mind I have to make do.
This is all I have.
I can no longer exchange.
Apparently this is exactly how I should be; without me, as I am at this moment, creation would not be complete.
I stop blaming myself for things I can't do (yet).
2. I don't have to be perfect.
I don't have to be able to do what I can't do.
Perfection is stagnation and stagnation is death.
I live so I make mistakes.
I'm allowed to make mistakes too.
I learn from mistakes.
In fact, I am perfect precisely because I make the mistakes I make!
This is how I keep evolution going.
3. I get exactly what I need.
Everything helps me to fulfill my mission on earth - even the setbacks and the illness, the enemies and the arguments, the lost loves and the broken hearts.
If I don't see it now, I will be able to see it later.
I realize at every difficult moment that everything could have been much worse.
4. I just have to be completely honest with myself. Sometimes I have to be selective with the truth.
Total honesty towards other people is not always loving, on the contrary.
And sometimes I have to protect myself, that's just the way it is in this world.
As long as I don't lie to myself; as long as I know what I'm doing and why.
5. I can never please the whole world.
What one person considers good, another finds worthless.
There will always be someone who criticizes me; there will always be someone who admires me.
I just have to do what I feel I have to do.
6. I keep my attention in the now.
Old cows belong in the ditch.
Everything happened because it had to happen, there's no point in worrying about it.
Vague fantasies about the future also waste energy.
NOW is by far the most fascinating, interesting moment of my life, because only NOW is really happening, in flesh and blood, what is happening!
Using my memory and digging up useful memories is fine, but I'm not going to complain.
7. I keep my attention here.
Here is my body, so here I am.
Here is the most important place on earth!
Only here can I really see, smell, hear, feel, taste - here my heart beats, here I breathe, here I feel my muscles under my skin.
I don't float around, I don't do two things at the same time with my mind, because then I do at least one of them half way.
I'm not going to worry unnecessarily about other people's feelings and thoughts about me elsewhere.
I am here .
8. Everyone can enjoy me in his/her own way.
I'm needed here.
Others learn from me, I learn from others.
But how, I don't always know and I don't need to know.
I let everyone make his/her judgment about me; positive or negative.
I enjoy compliments.
I can also take criticism.
And I don't have to correct every other person's image of me.
9. I don't have to be afraid.
I critically examine my fears.
Does not a man suffer most from the suffering he fears?
I'll wait patiently and prepare, but I won't fantasize about all the terrible things that could possibly happen one day.
I think that's a waste of time.
We'll see!
If all goes well, fortunately I have not suffered in vain.
And if something bad does happen, at least I haven't suffered beforehand.
10. I love myself very much.
That's why I can love other people.
Just like I love animals, plants, trees, rocks.
And everything loves me.
The chair I sit on loves me.
The magazine I hold in my hands loves me.
The sun loves, the moon too.
Everything is Love and I am a part of it."
Source: Charles Vrugt