Ik schreef een essay op rijm over popmuziek: ❤️



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Essay about popmusic:


Popmusic, a phenomenon so bright,
With catchy beats and tones so light.
In the '50s, it came alive,
With Elvis, the King, the top drive.


The '60s brought a revolution,
The Beatles, Stones, a new solution.
A time of love, peace, and delight,
Where pop music softened hearts each night.


The '70s, disco's shining glare,
With glitter, glamour, and dance flair.
ABBA, Bee Gees, and the funk's groove,
Everyone danced, sometimes a bit aloof.


The '80s, the synths arrived on scene,
Michael Jackson, Madonna, the pop queen.
MTV brought music videos to screen,
Pop music's visuals became the dream.


The '90s, a mix of styles so wide,
Grunge, hip-hop, pop, side by side.
Britney, Backstreet Boys, Nirvana's fame,
Pop music grew, it was no longer the same.


The new millennium, a digital age,
Downloads, streams, the music stage.
Lady Gaga, Beyoncé, and more,
Pop music's vibe, forever we adore


From retro to now, an endless flight,

Each decade brings a new delight.
Pop music connects us, makes us sing,
A universal language, joy it brings.


So let's keep singing, dancing, and enjoy,
Pop music that will always employ.
With a nod to Lennon and his style,
Pop music makes us free and smile.


I learned from the best: I learned from You:


1. John Lennon, the master himself.
2. Rob Stenders (For his charm and playfulness).
3. Leo Blokhuis (For his entire oeuvre and DJ work).
4. Jeroen van Inkel (My day is good when his cheerful voice echoes through my living room).
5. Paul Hewson, aka Bono (I really appreciate him as a Servant).
6. Eddy Keur (For his humor as he brings it in his shows).

7. Peter Koelewijn the Dutch Godfather of Rock n Roll! (And Pina Jones saw that it was good).
8. Last but not least, I learned and still learn from Erwina, myself, aka DJ Pina Jones: DJ with knowledge.


It s as John lennon sang: Hard enough aint hard enough.


By me acting its going ways alway i am able to sing wit mahalia nobody knows the trouble i ve seen but jesus.

Jullie denken dat het zo goed gaat altijd met me maar het  komt mij ook niet aanwaaien:
Dan kunnen sommigen wel jaloers zijn maar ik moet ook input in mijn geluk steken.


Linda Roos en Jessicca zingen het zo mooi in: Je moet er wat voor doen.

Oordeel mensen maar er loopt mens in mijn omgeving rond die ziet hoe hard ik eig werk.

Oordeel maar met jullie smaadverhalen: zo komen de verhaaltjes inde wereld!

Want de schijn is gemeen/tegen mij en er wordt v mij verwacht.


You always think things are going so well for me, but it doesn't come easy to me either:
Then some may be jealous, but I also have to put input into my happiness.


Linda Roos and Jessica sing it so beautifully: You have to do something for it.

Judge people, but there is one person around me who sees how hard I actually work.

Judge with your libel stories: that's how the stories come into the world!

Because appearances are mean to me and it is expected of me: I am also a person who can make a mistake. To err is human: I am not God. I believe in a God i and I do not believe in the: I cannot deny his existence, He is certainly here, but no matter how great his power and strength will be and can be: I do not believe in him: I believe in God and the associated Love: It s  all in the Bible/Bible


My special thank goes out to my mom and brother and Julian Lennon,

this last named person for being another Inspiration Source.


©: 2025, Erwina alias Pina Jones.


Nederlandse versie:
